Friday, August 3, 2012

No Good News?

Well, we didn't receive a ruling yesterday. The judge decided that he needed time to review some reports. He had the opportunity to rule with one hour notice so that we could reconvene but that didn't happen. It was very hard to see my husband so visibly upset. We both tried to act normal in front of the kids. We pulled it off but it was very hard.

Our attorney was able to speak with the court clerk who said that we might be able to get a ruling today. We continue to wait and pray. Thank you so much for praying for our family. We have such a sense of peace. We dot know how things will play out but we know that God's way is the right way and we trust in Him knowing that it is for a reason.

Please continue to pray for us. I will keep you all posted.

Thanks for stopping by!



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