Thursday, April 12, 2012

My goodness....It's been awhile!

I am so sorry that I have been gone for awhile!  The truth is that I took some time away to just relax and re-focus on my goals and priorities.

For a very long time I have been running around like a crazy lady trying to balance the kids, home, hubby, church, and trying to save what energy I had left to craft and do some things for me.  Sometime in the past couple of years I gave up on myself.  I stopped wanting to eat well and take care of me.  Some of you might think that I'm completely mental and you may be right (insert huge grin)!  I just had nothing left to give back to myself and was too exhausted to even try.  A couple of weeks ago something changed.  I didn't have an epiphany or anything magical, but I came to the realization that by not taking care of myself and valuing myself I was clearly sending the message that it was ok for others to do the same and that my friend, is just not OK.  So....what did I decide to do?  I'm so glad you asked!  I'll tell you!

1.  I am going to blog about the things going on in my life.  My loves, likes, and dislikes.  I  really want to share on a personal level who I am and what I am going through.  Yes, some of it may get tedious but it is free therapy for me so deal!

2.  I am going to make the best effort I can to start eating as Paleo and clean as possible.  My mom passed away almost two years ago from breast cancer and my grandma was just diagnosed with it so I need to make these changes immediately.

3.  I am going to go to bed by 10:00 each night and be up by 6:00 am every morning.  I will work out first thing and shower by the time my kids get up.

4.  DRINK MORE WATER and take my vitamins.

5.  Get dressed and not in jammies.

Those are the Top 5 things I am committing to you and I am also going to complete one craft a week.  My new sewing machine should be here today so I can finally finish the blanket I made for my cousin's baby.  I hate not finishing things I start but it seems that I've gotten really good at it and my intentions just aren't cutting it anymore!

Thanks for stopping by!



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